Can Someone Hack My iPhone? And How to Tell! (2023)

    Can Someone Hack My iPhone? And How to Tell! (2023)

    Can Someone Hack My iPhone?

    Although many people still believe that Apple devices (including the iPhone) are hackproof and immune to malicious software, it’s simply not the case — and it never has been. This article outlines some of the methods cybercriminals can use to hack your iPhone, as well as some of the ways you can recognize that something is wrong, so keep on reading to learn everything you need to know! 

    Can Someone Hack My iPhone?
    Can someone hack my iPhone?

    How can hackers hack your iPhone? 

    Unfortunately, no device can ever be 100% hackproof, and the iPhone is no exception. Below are some of the ways hackers could potentially compromise your device. 

    • Malicious apps. Compared to Google and its Google Play Store, Apple is significantly more restrictive regarding the apps that can be approved for release on its App Store and the permissions they’re allowed to request from users. However, that doesn’t mean that malicious apps don’t slip through the cracks from time to time. Never download an app before giving time to consider whether it’s safe. Reading the app’s reviews is always a great place to start. 
    • Unsecure public Wi-Fi. Connecting to unsecure Wi-Fi networks without the use of a trusted VPN such as VPN Proxy One Pro is asking for trouble. There are many ways that hackers could potentially intercept your data and/or install malicious software on your iPhone. Simply put, don’t take the risk.  
    • Phishing scams. If you’re a regular reader of this blog, you’ll know that we post a lot about phishing scams. And it’s for a good reason — there are tons of them out there and falling for one could result in you inadvertently compromising the security of your device and/or your personal/financial information. Phishing links often lead to sites looking to infect your device, so you need to know how to protect yourself

    Signs that your iPhone is hacked 

    Below are some red flags to look out for when it comes to your iPhone being hacked. 

    • You’ve noticed the battery draining more quickly than normal. 
    • Your iPhone is often warm/hot to the touch, even when you’re not using it for resource-intensive tasks such as playing games. 
    • You’re seeing lots of ads/pop-ups or strange calendar spam
    • Your iPhone is running slower than normal — taking longer to open apps, for example. 
    • Your data is getting used up more quickly than normal and/or your data bill is a lot higher than you’re used to. 
    • You’ve been told by friends or family that they’ve received strange messages that appear to come from you. 
    Signs that your iPhone is hacked

    How to respond to a hack 

    • In most situations, the first thing you should do is head into your iPhone’s settings and check to see if there are any apps installed that you don’t recognize. If there are, you should uninstall them immediately. 
    • If you think the problem came after you connected to an unsecure Wi-Fi network, you should forget that network and never connect to it again. 
    • Additionally, it’s a great idea to run a scan on your device to check for malware using a mobile security app. 
    • If you think your Apple ID or iCloud has been hacked, you should contact Apple from a different device at 1-800-275-2273 or visit an Apple store. 

    How to protect your iPhone from hackers 

    To protect your iPhone against hackers, you should make sure it’s configured to install updates automatically. This will ensure that you’re protected against any known exploits that Apple has already addressed. Additionally, you should use a VPN such as VPN Proxy One Pro (especially when connecting to public Wi-Fi networks) and make sure you have a trusted security app installed like Trend Micro Mobile Security

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