Have you come across the shopping website vardon[.]shop and wondered if it’s a scam site or not? Although it isn’t overly obvious, it is indeed a scam! Keep on reading to learn more and how you can spot scam sites in the future.
Is Vardon[.]Shop Legit?
Unfortunately, the answer is no. The fact that the site still sports a New Year-themed design is a dead giveaway that it isn’t to be trusted — we’re fast approaching the halfway point of 2022!

The design of the site is also strikingly similar to two other known scam websites that we’ve reported on before: tedinad[.]com and helenabl[.]com. The website vardon[.]shop claims to sell the same type of goods as the other two sites too — mostly various outdoor equipment and garden appliances. It would seem that the scammers didn’t spend much time getting this one up and running!
Still, vardon[.]shop is a dangerous website, and should you purchase anything from it, you will be handing over your personal and financial information directly to the scammers! It is also highly unlikely that you will ever receive the item you purchased, too. Please do not shop on vardon[.]shop or other scam websites. Check below for tips on how to spot these types of malicious websites.
How to Spot Scam Sites
Here are some surefire signs that a shopping website is a scam:
- The website is very new and lacks any (or many) product reviews.
- There are no contact details. If there are contact details, the listed address may correspond to a random residential address.
- There is no mention of a returns policy.
- The site achieves a low Trustscore when checked with ScamAdviser.
How to Protect Yourself
Use Trend Micro ScamCheck to surf the web safely (it’s free!).
Trend Micro ScamCheck is a browser extension and mobile app for detecting scams, phishing attacks, malware, and dangerous links — and it’s FREE!
After you’ve pinned the ScamCheck extension, it will block dangerous sites automatically! (Available on Safari, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge).

You can also download the ScamCheck mobile app for 24/7 automatic scam and spam detection and filtering. (Available for Android and iOS).

Check out this page for more information on ScamCheck.