Streaming Scam: World Cup, Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video, and More

    Streaming Scam: World Cup, Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video, and More

    Wouldn’t it be great if there was one website where you could watch all the sports, TV shows, and movies you could ever imagine? A place to watch the World Cup 2022, Netflix, Disney+, Prime Video, Fox Sports, BBC, and more. Well, this is exactly what the scammers have dreamed up in this latest video streaming phishing scam! Keep on reading for all the info!

    LetsShowTV Scam

    This scam is an email phishing scam. The screenshot below shows the content of the malicious email.

    FIFA World Cup Streaming Scam_IPTV_LetsShowTV_20221206

    The email samples we’ve recently detected have all had the subject “Your subscription IPTV FIFA WORLD CUP 2022”, so it’s clear that the scammers are looking to capitalize on the buzz around the ongoing soccer World Cup. However, we expect the subject is likely to change after the tournament ends.

    The email claims that you can subscribe to a streaming platform where you can watch pretty much every TV channel and on-demand streaming service you can imagine. And there are even lots of great aftercare services, too.

    FIFA World Cup Streaming Scam_IPTV__LetsShowTV_email_aftercare service_20221206

    Of course, none of the claims in the email are real — it’s a fake platform made up by scammers. However, the yellow subscribe button does lead to a real website, that has some very real dangers.

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    FIFA World Cup Streaming Scam_IPTV_LetsShowTV_website_Prime video_Netflix_Disney Plus_FIFA_20221206

    The screenshots above are of the website the button leads to: LetsShowTV[.]YouCan[.]Shop. It is a scam website designed to steal people’s personal and financial information.

    If somebody were to take the bait and subscribe to this fake streaming platform, they would need to enter lots of personal and financial information.

    FIFA World Cup Streaming Scam_IPTV__LetsShowTV_website_Credit Card phishing page_20221206

    When victims get to the page in the screenshot above, they’re requested to enter their email address, full name, and credit card number, along with its expiry date and CVV/CVC code — all of which will be sent directly to the scammers. It goes without saying that if that happens, it’s bad news.

    If you come across this scam email/website or one similar, steer well clear.

    How Did the Scammers Get My Email?

    If you’re wondering how the scammers were even able to get your email address in the first place, you’re not alone. They will most often get it from underground internet forums or the dark web — two places that are hotbeds for stolen/leaked data.

    To see if your email address has been compromised, use the tool below.

    If you want a way to check if your personal data — email addresses, bank account numbers, Social Security number, passport number, and more — have been leaked online, consider checking out Trend Micro ID Security. The app will scan the internet and the dark web 24/7 for your data so if it’s ever leaked, you’ll know about it! Click the button below to learn more and claim your 30-day free trial today.

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