Is the T-Mobile Settlement Legit?

    Is legit?
    Last Updated on April 27, 2023

    Lots of people have received a text message from Kroll Settlement Administration LLC that says they’re eligible for benefits from a class action settlement relating to a 2021 T-Mobile data breach. Many of these people have been searching the web trying to find out if it’s legit or not. Well, we’ve got good news because the message and settlement are 100% legit. Keep on reading for the full low-down!

    Tmobile settlement text scam … or not? Is legit?

    After receiving the message from Kroll Settlement Administration below, most people were justifiably suspicious. After all, many of us receive so many scam messages nowadays that it can be difficult to trust even the legit ones!

    T-Mobile Kroll Settlement Text Message_Scam or NOT_20221028
    Is the message from Kroll Settlement Administration legit? Source: Snopes

    However, this text message is 100% legit. The class action lawsuit relates to a data breach T-Mobile suffered in 2021 that saw hackers gain access to the data of — according to court fillings — approximately 76.6 million customers. Lots of personal data was leaked, including Social Security numbers, driver’s license information, IMEI numbers, and more.

    Who is eligible to receive money?

    If you were contacted about the T-Mobile class action settlement, you will have been deemed one of the roughly 76.6 million people affected by the data breach, and you will be eligible to file a claim.

    If you believe you were affected by the breach, but haven’t been contacted, you can contact the T-Mobile Data Breach Settlement team by email ( or by phone (833-512-2314).

    Was I affected by the date breach and eligible to receive money?

    How much money can I receive and when is the filing deadline?

    According to the settlement website, those affected by the breach can file a claim for $25, or $100 if they resided in California on August 1, 2021. However, you can submit a claim for up to $25,000 if you spent money trying to avoid or recover from fraud or identity theft that happened as a result of the T-Mobile data breach or to protect yourself from future harm that may stem from the breach.

    The deadline to file a claim is January 23, 2023. Claims can either be submitted online or a claim form can be printed and mailed to:

    T-Mobile Data Breach Settlement
    c/o Kroll Settlement Administration LLC
    P.O. Box 225391 New York, NY 10150-5391

    If you wish to exclude yourself from the settlement, the deadline for doing so is December 8, 2022.

    For more information regarding the settlement, click here.

    Trend Micro ScamCheck — the easiest way to detect scams

    Although the Tmobile settlement text scam is not a scam, there are plenty of actual scams out there that you need to be aware of! Trend Micro ScamCheck — our 100% FREE browser extension and mobile app — can protect you against malicious texts, websites, links, and emails on the fly! So, what are you waiting for? Download Trend Micro ScamCheck and get a safer surfing experience today!

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    • I’ve tried for a few days to contact the website listed. It is always down.

      By Denni Barrett | December 11, 2022
    • And I T-Mobile costumer and I want too see my ss was hake

      By everlidis.garcia65@gmail.Com | November 4, 2022
    • It is a real lawsuit, but class actions are little more than violations of privacy.

      By Robert Nees | November 3, 2022
    • Yes, it is legit. Found it on Open Class Actions (dot) com

      By Ron Mounty | October 30, 2022
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