We’re used to hearing about celebrities having their social media accounts hacked into — Elon Musk, Joe Biden, Kanye West, just to name a few. However, if you think that because you’re not a celebrity, you’re not in danger of being hacked, you’re making a big mistake.
To hackers, your social media accounts are immensely valuable. They will stop at nothing trying to steal your login credentials. Once logged into your account, they can delete all your cherished photos and archived posts, send inappropriate messages to your contacts, and commit identity theft. Read on to learn about the top Facebook phishing scams and tips to stay protected!
STOP! Have You Enabled 2FA?
If you haven’t already, you should enable two-factor authentication (2FA) on your Facebook account for better security. For complete instructions on how to do so, click here.
Top 3 Facebook Phishing Scams
#1 — “look what i found” / “Is it you?” Messenger Scam
Posing as a Facebook friend, scammers will send you messages with the words “look what i found” or “Is it you?” accompanied by a laughing face emoji. Don’t click!

The attached link will take you to a fake Facebook login page where you’re asked to submit login credentials. If you do, scammers can record the sensitive data. Don’t fall for it!
#2 — Fake Facebook Security Alert Emails
Scammers might also pose as Facebook and send you emails saying that there are security issues with your Facebook account, like suspicious login attempts or activities violating its Community Standards.
Then they prompt you to click on the embedded button to verify your account, threatening that your page will be deleted if you don’t take action.
The button leads to a fake Facebook login page that asks you to enter your login information. Below is an example. Notice that the web address is NOT a legitimate Facebook page.

Don’t submit anything. As mentioned, scammers will use your data to commit identity theft and other cybercrimes. Be careful!
#3— Facebook Chatbot Phishing Scams
Malicious chatbots are sending would-be victims phishing messages with the announcement that “Your page has been scheduled for permanent deletion for not following the Facebook Community Standards…”

If you fall for the ruse and click the “Appeal Now” button, it will take you to a phishing page where you’ll need to log in and authenticate your account with 2FA. If you enter the one-time passcode, the scammers can gain full access to your account!

Stay Safe & Turn On 2FA!
Remember, enabling two-factor authentication (2FA) on your Facebook account is essential for protecting it against hackers. For complete instructions on how to do so, click here.
For optimal online security and privacy, we also recommend our FREE tool, Trend Micro ScamCheck — an all-in-one browser extension and mobile app for detecting scams, phishing attacks, malware, and dangerous links.
Check out this page for more information on ScamCheck.
And as ever, if you’ve found this article an interesting and/or helpful read, please do SHARE it with friends and family to help keep the online community secure and protected.