FlyTrap Android Malware Is Taking Over Facebook Accounts — Protect Yourself With a Malware Scanner
Zimperium, one of the global leaders in mobile device security, recently revealed its discovery of a new Android Trojan malware that has already spread to over 10,000 victims across at least 140 countries.
The malware, codenamed FlyTrap, employs social engineering tactics to compromise Facebook accounts. It targets Android users and is capable of stealing their Facebook IDs, location information, email addresses, IP addresses, and the cookies and tokens associated with their Facebook accounts.
How does FlyTrap spread?
The malware was initially distributed through apps available on the Google Play store and other third-party app stores. Since the malware campaign was discovered, the infected apps have been removed from the Google Play store, but they are still available on third-party repositories.
How does FlyTrap work?
FlyTrap employs clever social engineering tactics, money-saving propositions, and sleek app design to dupe its victims. The cybercriminals, currently thought to be based in Vietnam, have released several seemingly unrelated apps, all designed with the same end goal — to steal people’s Facebook data.
One of the apps works by leading people to believe they can claim a Netflix coupon.

As with all FlyTrap apps, users are eventually asked to log in to their Facebook account. Once the user has done so, the malware is free to hijack their account.
Another of the malicious apps allows people to vote on which soccer player they think is the best.

With the malware campaign still ongoing, it is unclear whether additional, potentially more sophisticated apps will be released.
How to protect yourself from FlyTrap
There’s no doubt that the apps are convincing in their design, and with them originally being available for download through the Google Play store, it’s easy to see how over 10,000 people fell victim. With the cybercriminals showing no signs of slowing down, the best defense is a trusted antivirus app offering complete protection for your mobile device.
With its online malware scanner, Trend Micro Mobile Security detects and protects against every known strain of the FlyTrap malware. If you’re looking for the most robust protection against FlyTrap, as well as other mobile security threats, Trend Micro™ Mobile Security is the perfect solution.
Trend Micro Mobile Security lets you stay safe no matter where you go or what you do. Here are some of the features it offers: (available for both Android and iOS!)
- Surf anywhere: Prevent mobile apps from loading dangerous and risky websites when you browse.
- Stop threats: Cloud-based Smart Protection Network™ and Mobile App Reputation technology stops threats before they can reach you.
- Improve performance: Take advantage of optimization features to make your mobile devices work better.
Looking to secure all your devices?
Trend Micro Maximum Security offers powerful protection for up to 5 devices. By choosing Trend Micro Maximum Security, you can protect your Android device from FlyTrap, and secure your other Windows, Mac, iOS, and Chromebook devices, too. Click on the buttons below to download: