Recently we’ve spotted some questionable offers of “new government aid” circulating on WhatsApp. People are asked to click on links to apply for the government’s relief package or free giveaways like gift cards or food vouchers. These links are phishing links, taking you to a website where you will be asked to enter your personal information, like Name, Phone Number, Home Address once you click on them.
Scammers try to trick you into giving your personal information. If you receive messages that grant you with “food card” and ask for your personal information, don’t fall for it!
Never click on links or attachments from unknown sources. Check if the link provided is secure with Trend Micro ScamCheck first – copy/paste the link and send it to Trend Micro ScamCheck for immediate scam detection.
How the phishing scam works:
When you click on the link (usually on WhatsApp), you will be taken to a website like this:
It says that you are now able to get 3,000 dollars from the government and that you have to enter your personal data to “verify.”

Note: If you have installed ScamCheck Chrome extension, the scam website will be automatically blocked.

Then you will be asked to fill out your name and phone number to start claiming the “food card.”

By clicking on “Continue,” you will move on to the next step.

Then you’ll be asked to share the scam website with friends on WhatsApp to get the food card.

Once you finish sharing, you will be asked to download an application, which can be dangerous or malicious. Then you still need to fill out your home address. Now, your personal information has been leaked to the scammers, and now they can make use of it on other scams.

After that, you will be taken to another lottery page that looks like an online survey.

No matter which “reward” you choose, you will be redirected to this page:

When you start to spin the wheel, you will see more rewards to choose from.

However, by clicking on “choose” you just start doing another round of an online survey.

The comments, likes, and all the reactions shown below are all fake. None of the links work, and if you click on the green “Click Here” botton, you will just head to the page with that lucky wheel above.

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