WWDC 2024 Highlights: Apple Intelligence, macOS 15, iOS 18 and everything else!

    apple wwdc 0224

    Apple’s WWDC event is finished now, and this year’s event provided an exciting lineup of new software and features. Read on for the highlights!

    Apple Intelligence

    Generative AI has been a significant focus in the tech industry this year, and Apple has finally joined the pack with its own version: Apple Intelligence. AI might seem complex and not very practical, but Apple is promoting its features as beneficial for everyone. For example, WWDC highlighted smart notifications, which will use an on-device large language model (LLM) to prioritize important notifications, reducing the clutter of insignificant ones.

    Apple Intelligence – Priority Notifications. Source: Apple

    Apple is also integrating AI generation into all its apps, enabling users to send generated messages to friends or insert them into a Pages document. This enhancement will also improve Siri, allowing it to answer more specific questions and provide relevant results. For instance, you can ask Siri for a photo a friend sent a few days ago, and the new model will intelligently search your device to find it. Additionally, Siri can now be used through text by double-tapping the bottom of your iPhone, which is especially useful in noisy environments where voice commands might not be easily heard.

    Apple Intelligence – Type to Siri. Source: Apple

    macOS 15 AKA Sequoia

    Apple finally announced that Sequoia will be the name of the 15th Mac operating system. With it, Apple will allow users to mirror their iPhone screens on their Mac desktop, similar to a feature in Windows 11. This mirroring capability lets you drag and drop files between your iPhone and Mac, making tasks like video editing for social media much easier. You can edit a video in Final Cut Pro and export it directly to your iPhone.

    macOS 15 Sequoia
    macOS 15 AKA Sequoia. Source: Apple

    macOS Sequoia has enhanced Keychain, turning it into a full-fledged password manager that can generate and store all your passwords securely in one place. This updated Keychain app will be available across all Apple platforms. Safari is getting a major update, featuring a new viewer setting that brings videos to the forefront of any page. Additionally, you can now get a quick summary of any article with just a click.

    iOS 18

    iOS 18 will let users arrange app icons on the home screen and extends dark mode to change app icon colors, providing more customization options for iPhone users, a feature previously seen only on Android devices. iOS 18 also enhances the Control Center with smart device controls. Apple has introduced a new Controls API, allowing any Smart Home device to be controlled through the Control Center.

    How to Upgrade to iOS 18
    iOS 18. Source: Apple

    Another new feature in iOS 18 is the ability to lock individual apps with FaceID, preventing unauthorized access. This ensures that even if someone borrows your phone, they can’t open restricted apps like Messages without your permission. Additionally, iOS 18 changes the way Bluetooth devices connect, requiring permission to access other devices linked to your iPhone, significantly improving security.

    Messages now include Messages from Satellite, leveraging technology similar to Apple’s emergency services. This ensures that your messages go through even without a traditional connection and maintains end-to-end encryption. The Photos app in iOS 18 has been completely redesigned for better organization. It features a single view with a convenient filter button at the bottom, allowing users to filter out screenshots and downloaded photos to easily find images of family and friends.

    iPadOS 18

    Most of these updates simply mirror the iOS 18 announcements. However, one thing many people found amusing was that iPad will finally have a calculator!

    ipadOS 18
    iPadOS 18. Source: Apple

    visionOS 2

    Apple’s Vision Pro, now in its second year, is being enhanced with VisionOS 2. This update introduces spatial photos, allowing you to use machine learning to transform any photo in your library into a 3D image. These spatial photos can be shared with others through a new live share mode. Additionally, VisionOS 2 offers more display size options for the Mac. Instead of being limited to a 16:9 4K display in Vision Pro, you can now choose a large, ultrawide display for your Mac.

    Vision Pro, Source: Apple

    watchOS 11

    Apple Watch will be enhanced with watchOS 11. The update introduces an activity load feature, allowing you to rate the effort of your workouts so the OS can fine-tune its fitness recommendations. It also tracks the intensity of your workouts, helping you recognize when you might need a break to avoid injury. A new Vitals app will monitor your vital signs over time, alerting you to any abnormalities and providing possible explanations for significant changes. Additionally, Apple is improving menstrual cycle tracking on the Apple Watch, enabling you to notice any irregularities in your monthly cycle.

    watchOS 11
    watchOS 11. Source: Apple

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