Is Microsoft Cashback Legit? Find Out Here

    Is Microsoft Cashback Legit? Find Out Here

    Received an email about changes to the Microsoft Cashback terms and conditions and unsure about its authenticity? Or perhaps you’re unclear about what Microsoft Cashback even is? Read on for all the essential information!

    What is Microsoft Cashback?

    Microsoft Cashback, previously known as Bing Rebates, provides Microsoft Rewards members with the chance to earn cashback or rebates on purchases made from affiliated retailers via the Bing search engine. Participants receive their rebates through PayPal, with a maximum limit of $1,000 per year.

    To learn more about Microsoft Cashback, click here.

    Microsoft Cashback Email: Legit or Not?

    Below is a copy of the recent Microsoft Cashback email that has many people questioning its legitimacy:

    Microsoft Cashback Email
    Microsoft Cashback email. Source: Reddit

    The email states that Microsoft is updating the terms and conditions of its Microsoft Rewards program, with the updates taking effect on September 30, 2024.

    The email appears to be legitimate, with no obvious signs of a scam.

    How to Identify Scam Emails

    People online are suspicious of the recent Microsoft Rewards email, believing that it could be a phishing scam. To help you spot phishing scams, here are some red flags to watch out for:

    1. Unexpected requests for personal information: Legitimate organizations will never ask for sensitive information such as passwords or bank details over the phone or via email or text message.
    2. Urgency and threats: Scammers often use urgent and alarming language to prompt hasty decisions. Be cautious of communication demanding immediate action.
    3. Suspicious links and attachments: Always be wary of emails or messages that include unexpected links or attachments. Hover over links to check their destination before clicking, and avoid opening attachments from unknown sources.
    4. Grammar and spelling errors: Trustworthy communications are typically free of spelling and grammatical mistakes. A high number of errors may indicate a phishing attempt, although ChatGPT and similar AI tools have made it easier for scammers to generate convincing, error-free text.
    5. Mismatched email addresses: Check the sender’s email address carefully. A mismatch between the name and email domain is a common sign of phishing.
    6. Generic greetings: Phishing emails often use vague and impersonal greetings like “Dear User” or “Dear [email address],” instead of your actual name.

    How to Use Microsoft Cashback

    It’s quite easy to get up and running with Microsoft Cashback. Here’s what you need to do:

    1. Log into your Microsoft Rewards account in Microsoft Edge.
    2. Use Microsoft Edge to perform searches on Bing, and identify products marked with the Microsoft Cashback Shopping tags.
    3. Continue shopping as usual. Any cashback or rebates will be added to your Rewards account. After a verification period, you’ll be able to your cashback to your PayPal account.

    Protecting Your Identity and Personal Info

    Although this Microsoft Rewards email isn’t one, scams can have serious consequences, including identity theft, financial fraud, and job losses. We encourage readers to check out ID Protection, which has been designed to meet these challenges. With ID Protection, you can:

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    ID Protection Features_2024
    ID Protection Features

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