Did you receive the text message from “C0stco” that says you can claim a reward on your Costco membership by clicking on a link attached? Please don’t click. It’s a scam!
The link is a phishing link, leading you to a fake Costco Customer Service page:

The fake customer service page reads a message about a 2% cash reward for you. Then, you are prompted to click on the “Redeem Here” button. If you do so, you will be taken to another fake transaction page where you can see an amount of money to deposit and a list of banks to choose from.

After choosing a bank or online payment service, you will be taken to a corresponding fake login page. (Some of the buttons are not functioning and lead to the 404 Not Found page.)
For example, if you click on the HSBC logo, it leads you to a fake HSBC login page where you are asked to enter login credentials.
All the sensitive data will end up in scammers’ hands and be used for other scams, such as identity theft. Plus, scammers can steal your money and take over your bank account!

Content of the scam text message
C0STCOmember#81775355: A reward on your membership cash back is available. Learn more on <URL>
How to avoid fake Costco customer service scams?
- Be smart with your personal information.
- Turn to the official customer service for help directly.
- Check before you click on any links using Trend Micro ScamCheck. It’s free!
Trend Micro ScamCheck is a browser extension and mobile app for detecting scams, phishing attacks, malware, and dangerous links — and it’s FREE!
After you’ve pinned the ScamCheck extension, it will block dangerous sites automatically! (Available on Safari, Google Chrome, and Microsoft Edge).

You can also download the ScamCheck mobile app for 24/7 automatic scam and spam detection and filtering. (Available for Android and iOS).

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